Thursday, May 26, 2011

Norpro Pasta Drying Rack

I love this pasta rack! Before I bought this pasta rack, I was forced to dry my pasta on the counter. I would sprinkle the counter with flour and then begin the layering of the pasta, the towels and the flour. In other words, it was a big mess. But now, since I bought the Norpro Pasta Drying Rack, pasta drying is a cinch and very easy to clean up. As soon as I roll out and cut the pasta dough, I simply drape it over the wooden dowels to dry. No flour, no towels, no mess. I usually make two lbs of pasta and have never run out of room on the rack. I know that the design is very simple and the wood is not the strongest on the market, but it really serves its purpose and serves it well.

1 comment:

  1. I use a lingerie rack. Doesn't fit on counter but plenty of room. I couldn't find a pasta rack at the time.
